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San NewsSaturday, December 16, 2023
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Do you believe in our work? Want to help with server costs, stability, and make the server more professional?Make your donation and receive DPs as a gift to exchange for in-game items.All money raised is voluntarily donated by players who believe in and want to help develop the project to cover hosting, domain, and update costs.(same VIP DPs earned in the package with a certain rarity)
To donate, just follow three steps:

Donating - Step 1 of 3

You can make a donation via Pix by manually sending it to the email: intenselifedonate@gmail.comCheck the name: Eslei Bandeira de Souza - Mercado Pago
You will receive 1 DP for every 1.00R$ donated

Confirming Donation - Step 2 of 3

Send an email with an attached proof of payment and your in-game character name to the email:intenselifedonate@gmail.comAfter confirmation, donated points will take 3 business days to be credited to your account.(may arrive sooner, but wait for 3 business days, not counting weekends and holidays)

Enjoy Your DPs - Step 3 of 3

Enjoy your DPs, without contributors like you, the server wouldn't have the resources to sustain itself.Do not sell/buy in-game money for real-life money, or your account may be deleted. Donations keep the project alive. Sell your DPs to other players using Y - POCKET.
VIP AccountVIP BoostVIP VehicleVIP HouseVIP FactionVIP BusinessVIP SkinsSuper VIP Account
Picture of the authorTo enable VIP on your game account, use the command /vip (the longer the VIP period, the cheaper the monthly fee), advantages:- 30% reduction in all received damage- 30% reduction in time to perform server actions again for all server actions- 15% of your money when robbed instead of 30%- twice as fast addiction reduction- 50% bonus on all progress bars- less time down/dead in the hospital- less time in prison and kidnapping- fifty percent more salary on PayDay- one more skill per PayDay- lower percentage of skill loss upon death- and many more!duration: monthly